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Writer's pictureKristine Schomaker

Charity, Experience, Ireland and Greenies…what more could you ask for in SL!!!!!

Hi friends,

Trying to stay up later…its 1123pm sltime…  cuz I have been going to bed awfully damn early lately. Like 9pm…Geez Louise!!!!! Just wanted to toss some more of my snapshots from the flip side for all my friends to see. Not sure if there is any traffic here…but oh well. Its fun writing…anways.

Just added my art to a couple more galleries and donated some pieces to Africa and Ireland for charity events…yay!!!!!

Still looking for artists to show at Diegoland Artists Cooperative. So if you know anyone…Let me know!!!!!

OK…off to write my thesis….. WOW who am I kidding..I’m getting to bed….LOL

Have a great day and catch ya in the flip side!!!!!

Big Hugs!!!!  Gracie


Just remembering my early days in SL. This is Thalassa, where my aunt and uncle and I bought our first Island. You should see it now. Jordan owns it, and boy, has it change. But she is happy, and we are happy with our new Island…Or older Island…I guess we have been there more than a few months now.

Shameless Self Promotion

More Shameless Self Promotion. Jordan made this amazing screen/poster for me for my space at Skyline Art Experience in Bellatrix. Just IM me if you want a landmark. Id be happy to send you one. Its an incredible space with 10 artists creating their own immersive atmospheres. Very Very Cool!!!! 

My new friend Dickson

 My new friend Dickson and I dancing at Artisan Galleria sculpture garden. I am so lucky to have met him. A great singer/songwriter.. ‘an old soul’ he said he’s been called, so intelligent, funny… and a wonderful friend. Thank you so much. I am really looking forward to getting to know you better 😀


This one speaks for itself!!!!!


Beautiful coral..under the dance floor… Can’t go wrong there….

I Dream of Africa

This is ‘Out of Africa.’ One of my favorite movies…and there is a great African Sim too boot. I just donated some art for their auction on November 5, to help fight AIDS and poverty. Woooooo!!!!!!!!

Dickson and I The Far Away

OMG OMG OMG…. If you havent been here yet, you have got to go. This is called “The Far Away.” An art piece created by AM Radio. Let me know if you want a landmark. Sooo beautiful, surreal, amazing….all in the same breath…Just check it won’t be sorry.

Abel and I dancing

Ok…this is one of my best freinds in SL. Abel. What can I say…. Thank you so much for a great couple of weeks. Keep Blunting my freind, I don’t want to see No Bravery. It has been a great pleasure hanging out with you, getting to know you and dancing with you. I am looking forward to many more concerts together!!!!!


Ok…If you guys havent been here either….YOU HAVE GOT TO GO….This place is called Greenies….and if you don’t get it by looking at it here….You just don’t get it. Imagine..this picture takes up a whole Sim. Yep. You got it… Just IM me inworld for a landmark.

See ya soon!!!!!

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