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Who is the avatar and who is the woman?
I have had some amazing feedback from my post yesterday. Thank you all so much. I am even more excited to continue with this endeavor...
The Gracie Kendal Project
For as far back as my memory allows, I had never found myself in a place I felt comfortable. My world has been in a constant state of...
Who Am I?
Who am I? I am an avatar. I am a woman. I am 36. I am single. I am thin. I am overweight. I am beautiful. I am not. I am a lover. I am...
Avatar or human as facade?
Thank you guys so much for your great comments to my previous post. I thought I’d respond to your comments with this post 🙂 I just had a...
Body image and the human
So I have been thinking a lot about body image lately. I saw this amazing mixed reality performance at CSU Long Beach on Sunday night....
“Self Portrait as an Avatar”
So it’s 1245am…and I couldn’t sleep. I had been laying in bed for almost an hour, listening to my clock radio playing Abba “Dancing...
The secret life of Gracie Kendal…
When I first found Second Life two and a half years ago, my best friend Jordan, had a show for me in her gallery. We titled it “The...
Identity and the avatar…
Yep, can you believe it?? A new post after only a couple days..well I am going to work on keeping it up… this blog is part of the new...
My so called second Life…
The title of this post is taken from a Times article from Dec of 2006, and also a panel discussion that was held at the College Art...
A crisis of Confidence…
So yesterday I was struggling with the idea of identity. In Second Life I am known as Gracie Kendal. Face Book, Gracie Kendal- Twitter,...
WOW 2009 Already!!!???
Well, I decided to check out my blog here, and I totally didn’t realize I havent updated it on over a year. WOW!!! I can’t believe it....
Second Life: A Global Art Community….
Hi my friends. Wanted to Say Happy New Years!!! Wanted to run something by you and see if I can get some helpful advice. I am going to be...
Charity, Experience, Ireland and Greenies…what more could you ask for in SL!!!!!
Hi friends, Trying to stay up later…its 1123pm sltime… cuz I have been going to bed awfully damn early lately. Like 9pm…Geez Louise!!!!!...
A few snapshots with the friends :D
Just a few snapshots from Second Life. Enjoy!!!! #Alterego #art #jordanmorgenrote #secondlife
It’s only 830pm SLT
And yes…I am logging off SL. Can you believe how early it is??? Yea… It’s better that way. I can actually do something productive in RL,...
Shameless Self Promotion
This is gonna be short and sweet, as I have a thesis to write. Oh, darn, who am I kidding…I can put it off till tomorrow. hahaha...
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