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Tonight!!! Artist21 art talk/performance 8pm pst!!!

Please join me tonight for the Artist21 series being shown simultaneously in the virtual world of Second Life and at the Brewery Artists Lofts in Los Angeles California.

I am going to be giving a talk about Second Life, the art world and my work. Plus I will be doing a performance art piece at the end.

We will be live at 7pm pst for some mingling. Then the talk/performance begins at 8pm pst with Q&A afterwards.

I hope to see you all there!!!

Excerpt from the site…

about the event…

The studio was the artist’s world.

Now, the world is the artist’s studio.

With this “state of the art” view, the role of the artist in today’s societies must be discussed and defined.

The cultural collage of globalization,  with the ease and availability of emerging technologies combined have ignited an expression revolution.

This flood of ‘expression’, albeit fun and intoxicating, is rapidly changing our culture – and not always to the better…Expression alone does not make an artist.  It is the artist that steps in topush the boundaries of perspective and question societal values.

Artists shape culture. The function of the artist has evolved over time: from serving religion to celebrating aesthetics,  from activating patriotic fervor to the artists of the 20th century questioning and dismantling the very nature of art.  While this inspired many crucial conversations, it has also opened the question:

What is the role of the artist in the 21st century?

To address this question and drive out tools and perspectives that serve as an operating system for artists/cultural activists in the 21st century, we are hosting a series of conversations.

Join the conversation and come to one of our events…

If you are able to come in person, even better!!!

The address is 600 Moulton Avenue #204 Los Angeles Ca 90031

Across from Barbara’s and under the Catwalk.

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