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Avatars, Algorithms and Semantic Panache


Yesterday we held a conversation with the artists event at Turing Gallery in Extropia. It was really great to have some of the artists from the exhibition, Systems of Existence talking about their work.

Here is transcripts from the talk:

[2012/12/01 12:01]  Gracie Kendal: HEya Alan 😀

[2012/12/01 12:01]  wirxli2: spare me a coffee, Gracie? Hi Alan 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:01]  1 (jo.ellsmere): Hey Alan 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:01]  wirxli2: I thought you would wear more, Alan 😉

[2012/12/01 12:01]  wirxli2: what are you, some kind of Minimalist? 😉

[2012/12/01 12:01]  Gracie Kendal: haha no its cool ã‹¡

[2012/12/01 12:01]  1 (jo.ellsmere): some underwear, at least!

[2012/12/01 12:01]  1 (jo.ellsmere): ;))

[2012/12/01 12:02]  Alan Dojoji: Hi Jo! – no, this is just the dissected cube with Tibetan imagery

[2012/12/01 12:02]  Gracie Kendal: LOL

[2012/12/01 12:02]  1 (jo.ellsmere): 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:02]  wirxli2: it is very “you”, Alan

[2012/12/01 12:02]  wirxli2: 😉

[2012/12/01 12:02]  Gracie Kendal: Philos!!! Good to see you again :))

[2012/12/01 12:02]  wirxli2: Hi Philos

[2012/12/01 12:02]  Alan Dojoji: too much me!

[2012/12/01 12:02]  wirxli2: never enough you

[2012/12/01 12:03]  Philos Kidd: Hi Gracie

[2012/12/01 12:03]  Philos Kidd: Hi everyone

[2012/12/01 12:04]  wirxli2: Hey Sunflower 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:04]  Gracie Kendal: I always love yoru avi Philos ã‹¡

[2012/12/01 12:05]  wirxli2: 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:05]  Philos Kidd: 🙂 @ Gracie

[2012/12/01 12:05]  1 (jo.ellsmere): Hi Selavy 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:05]  Gracie Kendal: Heya Selavy ã‹¡

[2012/12/01 12:05]  wirxli2: Howdy Selavy 😀

[2012/12/01 12:05]  Selavy Oh: hey everyone 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:06]  Philos Kidd: hi

[2012/12/01 12:06]  wirxli2: Hi Philos 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:06]  Gracie Kendal: I think just missing Erik. Wirxli have you heard from him at all?

[2012/12/01 12:07]  wirxli2: I saw him in RL last night…we were at an event together

[2012/12/01 12:07]  Gracie Kendal: haha oh cool

[2012/12/01 12:07]  wirxli2: he said, he might notmake it but he will try

[2012/12/01 12:07]  Gracie Kendal: ahhh ok

[2012/12/01 12:07]  Alan Dojoji: are there events in real life?

[2012/12/01 12:07]  Alan Dojoji: can we join?

[2012/12/01 12:07]  wirxli2: it is a bit early for him

[2012/12/01 12:07]  Gracie Kendal: LOL

[2012/12/01 12:07]  Gracie Kendal: OMG RL what is that?

[2012/12/01 12:07]  wirxli2: heheheh…wished you were there in RL, Alan…come visit your brother ASAP 😉

[2012/12/01 12:08]  Alan Dojoji: hope so!

[2012/12/01 12:08]  wirxli2: Alan, how about a seat? can you fit? lol

[2012/12/01 12:08]  Gracie Kendal: Alan do you want to come up to the front

[2012/12/01 12:08]  Gracie Kendal: hhe

[2012/12/01 12:08]  1 (jo.ellsmere): lol

[2012/12/01 12:08]  wirxli2: I think Alan needs 2 seats..kind of like an

[2012/12/01 12:08]  Gracie Kendal: I can move that over

[2012/12/01 12:08]  Selavy Oh: hey alan 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:08]  Gracie Kendal: He wanted to be close to you Selavy 😀

[2012/12/01 12:08]  Alan Dojoji: Hi!

[2012/12/01 12:08]  Alan Dojoji: I should get rid of this stuff…

[2012/12/01 12:08]  Selavy Oh: :)))

[2012/12/01 12:08]  Gracie Kendal: no its cool

[2012/12/01 12:09]  Alan Dojoji: ok if it bothers anyone let me know –

[2012/12/01 12:09]  Gracie Kendal: ok ã‹¡

[2012/12/01 12:09]  wirxli2: aesthetics never bother me

[2012/12/01 12:09]  Alan Dojoji: better that we bother aesthetics

[2012/12/01 12:09]  wirxli2: I like to be bothered by aesthetics

[2012/12/01 12:10]  Gracie Kendal: well lets get started

[2012/12/01 12:10]  wirxli2: okie dokie

[2012/12/01 12:10]  Alan Dojoji: ok

[2012/12/01 12:10]  wirxli2: wb Sunflower 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:10]  Alan Dojoji: Hi Sunflower

[2012/12/01 12:11]  sunflower Aichi: hello

[2012/12/01 12:11]  Gracie Kendal: Thank you so much for being here Sunflower and Relay. If you would like to join into the conversation please do. Please feel free to ask questions and add comments anytime…

[2012/12/01 12:11]  Gracie Kendal: Welcome Bear

[2012/12/01 12:11]  Gracie Kendal: at least we have the bots to listen 😀

[2012/12/01 12:11]  1 (jo.ellsmere): ) lots of bots!

[2012/12/01 12:11]  wirxli2: ahhh…my bot could not even afford to attend this one

[2012/12/01 12:11]  Gracie Kendal: haha yep 😀

[2012/12/01 12:11]  Alan Dojoji: the bots are incredible and they really dominate the show i think

[2012/12/01 12:11]  Selavy Oh: maybe we should bring in more bots

[2012/12/01 12:11]  Gracie Kendal: yea they sure are ã‹¡

[2012/12/01 12:12]  Gracie Kendal: how do they know, we arent bots 😀

[2012/12/01 12:12]  Gracie Kendal: ?

[2012/12/01 12:12]  wirxli2: I am not a bot I am not a bot I am not a bot I am not a bot I am not a bot I am not a bot I am not a bot I am not a bot I am not a bot I am not a bot

[2012/12/01 12:12]  1 (jo.ellsmere): avatars are fake people. Bots are fake fake people. 😉

[2012/12/01 12:12]  Gracie Kendal: hahaha

[2012/12/01 12:12]  Gracie Kendal: peopel are fake fake fake people 😀

[2012/12/01 12:12]  Alan Dojoji: nah people are fake bots

[2012/12/01 12:12]  wirxli2: “fake” for now

[2012/12/01 12:12]  1 (jo.ellsmere): lol

[2012/12/01 12:12]  Alan Dojoji: look at our elections

[2012/12/01 12:12]  wirxli2: soon they will be more real..HAHAHAHAHAHA

[2012/12/01 12:12]  Gracie Kendal: haha

[2012/12/01 12:12]  wirxli2: exactly

[2012/12/01 12:13]  wirxli2: Mittbott

[2012/12/01 12:13]  1 (jo.ellsmere): I believe Mitt IS a bot, for real!

[2012/12/01 12:13]  Alan Dojoji: wouldn’t fit into your piece

[2012/12/01 12:13]  Alan Dojoji: absolutely

[2012/12/01 12:13]  Gracie Kendal: oops froze..LOL

[2012/12/01 12:13]  Alan Dojoji: shall we start?

[2012/12/01 12:14]  Gracie Kendal: Yes lets :))

[2012/12/01 12:14]  Gracie Kendal: Thank you all so much for being here at this COnversations with the artists

[2012/12/01 12:14]  Gracie Kendal: This show Systems of Existence is the first group show I have curated and I am very proud of the artists the work and how much everyone put into it

[2012/12/01 12:15]  Gracie Kendal: I wanted to hold an art talk of sorts to talk about what is taking place here in virtual worlds with identity, AI, existence etc. I thought what better way than to talk with the artists themselves. I would love to hear a few minutes from each artist about what you are working on now, where you came from and what your plans for the future are and lets have a great conversation.

[2012/12/01 12:16]  Gracie Kendal: Please feel free to ask questions, comments anything youd like to the artists :))

[2012/12/01 12:16]  Gracie Kendal: Alan, would you like to start?

Alan’s work

[2012/12/01 12:16] Alan Dojoji: ok, my piece I think is the simplest – it’s nothing more than a dissected cube

[2012/12/01 12:17] Alan Dojoji: and there are mathematical relations between the different dimensions – the cube is a measure polytope which means it’s a standard for 3 dimensions, just like the square for 2 etc.

[2012/12/01 12:17] Alan Dojoji: and I wanted to see how the dissected cube would actually feel in a space –

[2012/12/01 12:17] wirxli2: I think Alan is doing some alien voices though 😉

[2012/12/01 12:18] Alan Dojoji: as something to wear or as an architecture; in the installation I have with my usual messes in Odyssey for the Turing show, there’s a large cube that interacts there –

[2012/12/01 12:18] Alan Dojoji: but it’s not scripted, it just moves; what I have here is a miniature.

[2012/12/01 12:18] Alan Dojoji: So it’s a kind of minimalism turned flesh, something I want to explore further, but I do need scripting fror it;

[2012/12/01 12:18] Alan Dojoji: in the meantime there are the visible relationships which interest me, but I do want it to go beyond.

[2012/12/01 12:19]  Alan Dojoji: It also relates to yantra and mantra, to the construct of idealized and generated forms in Tibetan Buddhism, so for me the glows and movements of the image are important.

[2012/12/01 12:19]  Alan Dojoji: That way it’s asmearing of identity which also appears as such in the installation –

[2012/12/01 12:20]  Alan Dojoji: I don’t think so?

[2012/12/01 12:20]  Alan Dojoji: anyway that’s about it –

[2012/12/01 12:20]  wirxli2: 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:21]  Alan Dojoji: the piece is simpler than my usual; I saw this as a gallery exhibition and that changed things –

[2012/12/01 12:21]  Gracie Kendal: Thank you very much Alan.

[2012/12/01 12:22]  wirxli2: <applause>

[2012/12/01 12:22]  Gracie Kendal: Selavy, would you like to tell us about yourself?

Selavy’s installation

[2012/12/01 12:22]  Alan Dojoji: thanks

[2012/12/01 12:22]  Selavy Oh: thanks alan

[2012/12/01 12:22]  Gracie Kendal: YAY!

[2012/12/01 12:22]  Alan Dojoji: 🙂 thou speakest

[2012/12/01 12:23]  Selavy Oh: so, my piece is also pretty simple

[2012/12/01 12:23]  Selavy Oh: three chairs

[2012/12/01 12:23]  Selavy Oh: two avatars

[2012/12/01 12:23]  Selavy Oh: and a bit of text

[2012/12/01 12:24]  Selavy Oh: it is about communication

[2012/12/01 12:24]  Selavy Oh: it is about the artist

[2012/12/01 12:24]  Selavy Oh: it is about the avatar

[2012/12/01 12:25]  Alan Dojoji: can you say something also about the text?

[2012/12/01 12:25]  Relay Caedmon: hmm isnt the avatar and artist one and the same??

[2012/12/01 12:25]  Selavy Oh: it’s called “the three of us”. the inner monologue. the selbstgespräch.

[2012/12/01 12:25]  Selavy Oh: there are two avatars sitting there

[2012/12/01 12:25]  Alan Dojoji: I loved the text –

[2012/12/01 12:25]  Selavy Oh: these avatars evidently look like the artist

[2012/12/01 12:25]  Selavy Oh: but who are they

[2012/12/01 12:26]  Gracie Kendal: Yea the text is great. And loved the interactivity with the participant too

[2012/12/01 12:26]  Jo Ellsmere: you mean: “the artist” in the generic sense as opposed to you, personally?

[2012/12/01 12:26]  Selavy Oh: the text is generated with a algorithm

[2012/12/01 12:26]  Selavy Oh: that i developed for LPDT2, a collaboration with roy ascott, elif ayiter, and max moswitzer

[2012/12/01 12:27]  Alan Dojoji: it’s pretty amazing

[2012/12/01 12:27]  Selavy Oh: all text comes from the Project Gutenberg

[2012/12/01 12:27]  Selavy Oh: thanks alan

[2012/12/01 12:29]  Gracie Kendal: Selavy, can you tell us a little about what you do in SL, as an artist? Where your ideas stem from?

[2012/12/01 12:29]  wirxli2: 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:30]  Selavy Oh: what am i doing here?

[2012/12/01 12:30]  Selavy Oh: good question

[2012/12/01 12:30]  Jo Ellsmere: :))

[2012/12/01 12:30]  Selavy Oh: i’m existing

[2012/12/01 12:30]  Gracie Kendal: haha yep 😀

[2012/12/01 12:30]  Alan Dojoji: maybe

[2012/12/01 12:30]  Gracie Kendal: and your art? What is it doing here>

[2012/12/01 12:30]  Gracie Kendal: ?

[2012/12/01 12:30]  wirxli2: >:-D

[2012/12/01 12:31]  Selavy Oh: well, exactly, it’s not a trivial conclusion

[2012/12/01 12:31]  Selavy Oh: my art makes me exist

[2012/12/01 12:31]  Jo Ellsmere: excellent answer!

[2012/12/01 12:31]  Gracie Kendal: ã‹¡

[2012/12/01 12:31]  Selavy Oh: alan, concerning your question about the text

[2012/12/01 12:31]  Alan Dojoji: yes

[2012/12/01 12:31]  Selavy Oh: the algorithm selecting the text is the key i think

[2012/12/01 12:32]  Selavy Oh: i’ll copy-paste now from a description

[2012/12/01 12:32]  Selavy Oh: (tell me if you fall asleep)

[2012/12/01 12:32]  Alan Dojoji: markov chain

[2012/12/01 12:32]  Selavy Oh: The central idea of the text generator’s algorithm is that any meaningful flow of text is based on the semantic connection of subsequent sentences.

[2012/12/01 12:32]  Gracie Kendal: haha

[2012/12/01 12:33]  Selavy Oh: This is a linkage which is usually imposed by the author, however at the same time the reader expects such a connection.

[2012/12/01 12:33]  Selavy Oh: (excellent association alan!)

[2012/12/01 12:33]  wirxli2: 😀

[2012/12/01 12:33]  Selavy Oh: The present algorithm exploits both the intentions of the numerous authors and the expectations of the reader/spectator, but instead of relying upon an understanding of the text in order to choose appropriate sentences, it uses the statistical properties of written text in a similar fashion to what has been proposed by Claude Shannon more than half a century ago for generating messages

[2012/12/01 12:33]  Alan Dojoji: ah, we’ve worked with those Shannon examples

[2012/12/01 12:33]  Selavy Oh: In Shannon’s terminology, such an algorithm would be best called a simplified second-order sentence approximation to language.

[2012/12/01 12:34]  Selavy Oh: 1) choose a random text from Project Gutenberg and then randomly select a sentence as the starting point,

[2012/12/01 12:34]  Selavy Oh: The algorithm can thus be described through the following recipe:

[2012/12/01 12:34]  Selavy Oh: The simplification consists in reducing a sentence to the word that has the highest amount of information (in Shannon’s sense), ergo usually the longest word of a sentence.

[2012/12/01 12:34]  Selavy Oh: 2) take the longest word in this sentence and search for this word in another text, again randomly chosen from Project Gutenberg,

[2012/12/01 12:35]  Selavy Oh: 3) once the word is found in the new text, take the sentence immediately succeeding the sentence containing the word,

[2012/12/01 12:35]  Selavy Oh: 4) take this succeeding sentence as a new sentence to be added to the generated text,

[2012/12/01 12:35]  Selavy Oh: 5) continue ad infinitum.

[2012/12/01 12:35]  Selavy Oh: Evidently, the two newly connected sentences share a statistical relation via the conditional probability of the succeeding sentence sharing information with the first.

[2012/12/01 12:36]  Selavy Oh: and that’s it basically

[2012/12/01 12:36]  Selavy Oh: WAKE UP

[2012/12/01 12:36]  wirxli2: zzz? oh…hahahaha

[2012/12/01 12:36]  Philos Kidd: hehe

[2012/12/01 12:36]  Jo Ellsmere: :))

[2012/12/01 12:36]  Gracie Kendal: hehe

[2012/12/01 12:36]  Selavy Oh: :)))

[2012/12/01 12:36]  Alan Dojoji: so the first sentence with the longest word is also presented with the succeeding sentence in the other text ?

[2012/12/01 12:37]  Alan Dojoji: So the first sentence with really interesting linkages

[2012/12/01 12:38]  Selavy Oh: the longest word of the first sentence is found in the preceding sentence of the second sentence

[2012/12/01 12:38]  Alan Dojoji: yes, but does the longest word appear anywhere in the final output?

[2012/12/01 12:38]  Selavy Oh: only in the first sentence

[2012/12/01 12:38]  Selavy Oh: (in the original text)

[2012/12/01 12:38]  Alan Dojoji: I see

[2012/12/01 12:38]  Selavy Oh: then a new “longest word” is chosen

[2012/12/01 12:38]  Selavy Oh: the one from the second sentence

[2012/12/01 12:38]  Selavy Oh: it’s a recursive algorithm

[2012/12/01 12:39]  Alan Dojoji: you’re suturing all over the place which gives it a lot of semantic panache

[2012/12/01 12:39]  Selavy Oh: and i sometimes wonder why it’s not in danger of ending up in a loop

[2012/12/01 12:40]  Selavy Oh: yes, it’s the pleating of the text that roy had in mind

[2012/12/01 12:40]  wirxli2: “semantic panache” sounds like some 80s New Wave band 😉

[2012/12/01 12:40]  Gracie Kendal: haha

[2012/12/01 12:40]  Selavy Oh: lol

[2012/12/01 12:40]  Philos Kidd: hehe

[2012/12/01 12:40]  Alan Dojoji: John Cayley at Brown has worked with these approaches as well –

[2012/12/01 12:40]  Philos Kidd: where can I get some ?

[2012/12/01 12:41]  Alan Dojoji: Brooklyn

[2012/12/01 12:41]  Philos Kidd: word

[2012/12/01 12:41]  Selavy Oh: oh, can i google that?

[2012/12/01 12:41]  Gracie Kendal: Thank you so much Selavy, let’s talk to Wirxli and we can all look for Semantic Panache after the talk..hehe

[2012/12/01 12:41]  Alan Dojoji: Think so –

[2012/12/01 12:41]  Selavy Oh: or do you have a reference?

[2012/12/01 12:41]  Selavy Oh: thanks gracie

[2012/12/01 12:41]  Gracie Kendal: Yvw :))

[2012/12/01 12:41]  Gracie Kendal: Wirxly would you like to tell us about yourself and your work?

[2012/12/01 12:42]  Gracie Kendal: Wirxli*

[2012/12/01 12:42]  wirxli2: sure..just one sec

[2012/12/01 12:42]  Gracie Kendal: LOL ok

[2012/12/01 12:42]  Gracie Kendal: I think he is googling Semantic Panache

[2012/12/01 12:42]  wirxli2: nah, one of our audience members was going to leave but will now stay just a bit longer

[2012/12/01 12:42]  wirxli2: ok, I am ready

[2012/12/01 12:42]  Gracie Kendal: Cool ã‹¡

[2012/12/01 12:42]  Selavy Oh: (ok i think i found john cagley, thanks alan!)

[2012/12/01 12:42]  Alan Dojoji: welcome

[2012/12/01 12:43]  sunflower Aichi: 🙂

Wirxli2’s avatar, Qiezli

[2012/12/01 12:43]  wirxli2: ok, so for those who do not know me, I have been in SL since 2006, co -founded a group named Second Front and then committed suicide and now have returned as a born-again avatar

[2012/12/01 12:43]  wirxli2: but, actually, I am going to to talk about something different

[2012/12/01 12:43]  wirxli2: 😉

[2012/12/01 12:43]  Gracie Kendal: )

[2012/12/01 12:44]  Alan Dojoji: quick before the rapture!

[2012/12/01 12:44]  wirxli2: basically, I (as in the RL “I”) have been interested in creating art-beings…in other words, creating autonomous and aesthetically engineered entities (personified ones)

[2012/12/01 12:44]  wirxli2: I realize that this is what I have been wanting to do since I was 5 years old

[2012/12/01 12:45]  wirxli2: and am finally doing it

[2012/12/01 12:45]  wirxli2: anyway, this particular art-being is named Qiezli

[2012/12/01 12:45]  wirxli2:

[2012/12/01 12:45]  wirxli2: Qiezli was actually a homework assignment for a course called “Metacreation”

[2012/12/01 12:45]  wirxli2: for my homework, I had to create an agent (bot…whatever) that at least appeared to be creative

[2012/12/01 12:46]  wirxli2: Metacreation means that you make something that also creates

[2012/12/01 12:46]  wirxli2: so..that was a daunting challenge

[2012/12/01 12:46]  wirxli2: since my programming skill set is basically null/nill, I hired a programmer named Michael Nixon

[2012/12/01 12:46]  wirxli2: so Qiezli is a being that changes it’s own form in response to avatar interactions

[2012/12/01 12:47]  wirxli2: Qiezli has several states…including ambient and social states

[2012/12/01 12:47]  wirxli2: for this show, we just let Qiezli roam outside for a couple of hours

[2012/12/01 12:47]  wirxli2: sadly, Qiezli never seems to do what it was intended to do when it is time for it to “peform”

[2012/12/01 12:48]  wirxli2: we had programmed it to change it’s shape and wearble video-textures depending on the quantity of avatars in it’s gaze (and their proximity etc)

[2012/12/01 12:48]  wirxli2: so it would roam around “daydreaming” abstract textures

[2012/12/01 12:48]  wirxli2: and when it encountered say, one avatar, it would play videos of one avatar on it’s geometrical prim body

[2012/12/01 12:48]  wirxli2: I should also say that it was continuously growing and receding new abstract limbs

[2012/12/01 12:49]  wirxli2: when it encountered too avatars, it would play videos of avatar groups on it’s body

[2012/12/01 12:49]  wirxli2: also, depending on what it encountered, it would would wear either ambient/abstract/environmental or representational video-textures

[2012/12/01 12:49]  wirxli2: unfortunately, the videos hardly ever loaded and Qiezli only seemed to show 2 of it’s states

[2012/12/01 12:50]  wirxli2: sigh!

[2012/12/01 12:50]  Jo Ellsmere: naught bot

[2012/12/01 12:50]  Jo Ellsmere: y

[2012/12/01 12:50]  wirxli2: oh, Qiezli could also get annoyed and flee the scene if violated

[2012/12/01 12:50]  Philos Kidd: aww

[2012/12/01 12:50]  wirxli2: yeah, maybe it was really autonomous…had stage!

[2012/12/01 12:50]  Jo Ellsmere: 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:50]  Selavy Oh: hehe

[2012/12/01 12:50]  Philos Kidd: hehe

[2012/12/01 12:50]  wirxli2: it was funny, it always behaved as planned the night before…sigh!

[2012/12/01 12:50]  wirxli2: so, people mostly experienced a very reactive bot

[2012/12/01 12:51]  wirxli2: and we had programmed it to at least appear a bit less reactive

[2012/12/01 12:51]  Alan Dojoji: I kept trying to find it here but couldn’t, I’d interacted with it elsewhere –

[2012/12/01 12:51]  wirxli2: we wanted it to appear deliberative

[2012/12/01 12:51]  wirxli2: yes, Alan and a bunch of other Odyssey residents interacted with it before

[2012/12/01 12:51]  wirxli2: we only launched Qiezli for a few hours on opening day/night here

[2012/12/01 12:51]  Alan Dojoji: those were the days when it was alive! and my girlfiend!

[2012/12/01 12:51]  Jo Ellsmere: lol

[2012/12/01 12:52]  wirxli2: I think that is everything I have to say about Qiezli…in the future, I want to focus only on that is my focus from 2013 onwards

[2012/12/01 12:52]  Alan Dojoji: what differentiates an art-being from other kinds of being?

[2012/12/01 12:52]  wirxli2: I learned a lot about the limitations of SL through this experience..when is the next-generation platform coming along? lol

[2012/12/01 12:52]  wirxli2: I guess I just mean a personified being

[2012/12/01 12:52]  wirxli2: not necessarily humanoid though

[2012/12/01 12:52]  wirxli2: but one with a personified sense of agency

[2012/12/01 12:53]  wirxli2: there was a time when your GF was alive, Alan? 😉

[2012/12/01 12:53]  Alan Dojoji: she still seems to be

[2012/12/01 12:53]  wirxli2: I guess I want to differentiate an art-being from an art-object or whatever

[2012/12/01 12:53]  wirxli2: I wanted art that did not have to be art…that could be it’s own being

[2012/12/01 12:53]  wirxli2: with it’s own rights eventually

[2012/12/01 12:53]  wirxli2: one could just hang out with “art” as a friend

[2012/12/01 12:53]  wirxli2: as “life” or whatever

[2012/12/01 12:54]  wirxli2: I do not like the idea of the art-market here…it would be a form of slavery in this case…lol

[2012/12/01 12:54]  Alan Dojoji: soit relates to Eliza for example

[2012/12/01 12:54]  wirxli2: yes, Eliza had therapeutic purposes

[2012/12/01 12:54]  wirxli2: but yes

[2012/12/01 12:54]  wirxli2: an artificial companion but an aesthetically engineered one

[2012/12/01 12:54]  Alan Dojoji: yes

[2012/12/01 12:54]  wirxli2: imagine breeding a kid but making the kid look like art 😉

[2012/12/01 12:55]  wirxli2: I guess I am a truly a breeder …lol

[2012/12/01 12:55]  Alan Dojoji: we usually don’t thnk of “breeding” children…

[2012/12/01 12:55]  wirxli2: hahahaha

[2012/12/01 12:55]  wirxli2: nope

[2012/12/01 12:55]  wirxli2: so for me it is creation in it’s original meaning

[2012/12/01 12:55]  Selavy Oh: do you know the story of Olimpia by ETA Hoffmann?

[2012/12/01 12:55]  Alan Dojoji: they’ll come back to haunt you…

[2012/12/01 12:55]  wirxli2: creation to relieve lonliness

[2012/12/01 12:55]  wirxli2: yep

[2012/12/01 12:55]  wirxli2: no, what is the story about, Selavy?

[2012/12/01 12:56]  Selavy Oh: a beautiful automaton

[2012/12/01 12:56]  wirxli2: this an er….erotic story? 😉

[2012/12/01 12:56]  Selavy Oh: but the story has been published in 1816

[2012/12/01 12:56]  wirxli2: I should clarify that I want to create platonic artificial friends 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:57]  wirxli2: ahhh I think I heard of it

[2012/12/01 12:57]  Alan Dojoji: Hoffman’s not particularly erotic

[2012/12/01 12:57]  wirxli2: of the story

[2012/12/01 12:57]  wirxli2: phew! ok

[2012/12/01 12:57]  Alan Dojoji: what a relief!

[2012/12/01 12:57]  Gracie Kendal: LOL

[2012/12/01 12:57]  Gracie Kendal: Thank you so much Wirxli ã‹¡

[2012/12/01 12:57]  wirxli2: so I guess that is all I have to say about that but I want to curate bot shows too etc 😉

[2012/12/01 12:57]  wirxli2: let me know 😀

[2012/12/01 12:57]  wirxli2: 2013 onwards, that is all I want to do

[2012/12/01 12:57]  Gracie Kendal: Ohhhhhh wonderful. Great idea.

[2012/12/01 12:58]  wirxli2: thanks Gracie 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:58]  Selavy Oh: great :)))

[2012/12/01 12:58]  Alan Dojoji: absolutely, it seems the future of art in SL –

[2012/12/01 12:58]  wirxli2: I hope so, Alan…

[2012/12/01 12:58]  Gracie Kendal: Philos and Jo, would love to hear about your work here ã‹¡

Jo’s ANIMAanimus piece

[2012/12/01 12:58]  Jo Ellsmere: 🙂

[2012/12/01 12:58]  wirxli2: also, I want to have our art-beings socialize with each other

[2012/12/01 12:58]  wirxli2: should you also make them

[2012/12/01 12:58]  Jo Ellsmere: Well, as with most of the others I consider ANIMAanimus a ‘small’ and ‘simple’ piece

[2012/12/01 12:59]  Jo Ellsmere: personal

[2012/12/01 12:59]  Jo Ellsmere: I’ve been fascinated by the fluidity of our *perception* of sexuality

[2012/12/01 12:59]  Jo Ellsmere: in SL of course

[2012/12/01 12:59]  Jo Ellsmere: but more and more in ‘rl’ as well

[2012/12/01 13:00]  Jo Ellsmere: men and women are, in many way, in opposition to each other

[2012/12/01 13:00]  Jo Ellsmere: yet also at the same time indivisibly part of a greater whole

[2012/12/01 13:01]  Jo Ellsmere: the piece is an obvious nod to Jung’s theory of archtyepal male and female personalities

[2012/12/01 13:01]  Alan Dojoji: How so?

[2012/12/01 13:01]  Alan Dojoji: I was thinking of Lacan, not Jung

[2012/12/01 13:01]  Jo Ellsmere: each gender is a combination of the male and female

[2012/12/01 13:02]  Jo Ellsmere: intrinsic in each of us, no matter our gender

[2012/12/01 13:02]  Alan Dojoji: why then would you have the males and females separated, facing each othe?

[2012/12/01 13:03]  Jo Ellsmere: simply to signify the tension that exists between the genders. Nothing more than that

[2012/12/01 13:03]  Alan Dojoji: ah

[2012/12/01 13:04]  Jo Ellsmere: my original plan was to use only 3 female avatars

[2012/12/01 13:04]  Jo Ellsmere: I was very conscious of the limitations here on this sim (prims, etc)

[2012/12/01 13:05]  Jo Ellsmere: Philos suggested adding 3 male avatars

[2012/12/01 13:05]  Jo Ellsmere: which was perfect. Made my half-idea whole

[2012/12/01 13:06]  Jo Ellsmere: conceptually, it finished the piece for me 🙂

[2012/12/01 13:06]  Alan Dojoji: there’s an amazing dramaturgy at work – the interrelationships across the space and within each row are amazing

[2012/12/01 13:06]  Jo Ellsmere: 🙂

[2012/12/01 13:06]  Selavy Oh: yes, i like that work a lot

[2012/12/01 13:06]  wirxli2: 😀

[2012/12/01 13:06]  Alan Dojoji: and seem to imply real, human, relations occurring; I couldn’t figure out the intentionality so I related it to Wirxlii’s piece this way

[2012/12/01 13:06]  Jo Ellsmere: I do feel that each of us is an unconscious melding of many different characteristics

[2012/12/01 13:07]  wirxli2: makes sense, Alan 🙂

[2012/12/01 13:07]  Alan Dojoji: yes!

[2012/12/01 13:07]  Jo Ellsmere: human males and human females seem to be separate species

[2012/12/01 13:08]  Jo Ellsmere: yet both together make up a complete whole

[2012/12/01 13:08]  Jo Ellsmere: the piece is no more complicated than that 🙂

[2012/12/01 13:08]  Alan Dojoji: or an incomplete whole, which touches on your identities merging and separating –

[2012/12/01 13:08]  Jo Ellsmere: yes. true

[2012/12/01 13:08]  Alan Dojoji: and your piece is much more complicated in terms of the spectator –

[2012/12/01 13:09]  Jo Ellsmere: well, the original intent was to simply express the conflict of the male vs female

[2012/12/01 13:09]  sunflower Aichi: bye for all

[2012/12/01 13:09]  wirxli2: bye Sunflower 🙂

[2012/12/01 13:09]  Jo Ellsmere: but as it progressed, yes, it became more than that

[2012/12/01 13:10]  Alan Dojoji: Sunflower’s not feeling well

[2012/12/01 13:10]  wirxli2: sigh

[2012/12/01 13:10]  Jo Ellsmere: oh…

[2012/12/01 13:10]  Gracie Kendal: awwww

[2012/12/01 13:10]  wirxli2: she said she took pics though

[2012/12/01 13:10]  wirxli2: 😀

[2012/12/01 13:10]  Gracie Kendal: Oh great. SO did I ã‹¡

[2012/12/01 13:10]  Alan Dojoji: so did I

[2012/12/01 13:10]  wirxli2: did I 😉

[2012/12/01 13:10]  Gracie Kendal: YAY!

[2012/12/01 13:11]  Alan Dojoji: voice! we’ll all learn to talk again@

[2012/12/01 13:11]  wirxli2: is there anyone left in the audience? 😉

[2012/12/01 13:11]  Gracie Kendal: Does anyone have anyt questions for the artists?

[2012/12/01 13:11]  Gracie Kendal: hehe

[2012/12/01 13:11]  Gracie Kendal: orcomments about the work?

[2012/12/01 13:11]  Gracie Kendal: Do the artists have anything you’d like to add?

[2012/12/01 13:12]  Gracie Kendal: I do want to metion Patricl of course

[2012/12/01 13:12]  Alan Dojoji: just want to say that what amazed me about the show is it’s simplicity

[2012/12/01 13:12]  Philos Kidd: Jo has been very generous in crediting me here . The work is all hers really I just hang out listen to what she is doing and try to make useful suggestions.

[2012/12/01 13:12]  Jo Ellsmere: 🙂

[2012/12/01 13:12]  wirxli2: you count as a co-author then, Philos 😉

[2012/12/01 13:12]  Alan Dojoji: very little fantasy in it or surrealism but a kind of minimalist content that extends all over the place –

[2012/12/01 13:12]  Jo Ellsmere: well, your suggestion here was extremely useful!

[2012/12/01 13:12]  Gracie Kendal: Awwww glad you could be there for her ã‹¡

[2012/12/01 13:12]  Gracie Kendal: Yes absolutely Alan

[2012/12/01 13:12]  Philos Kidd: Jo did all the real work and conceptualizing

[2012/12/01 13:12]  Gracie Kendal: My good friend Patrick MillardFormatting Heliosense was the other artist in this exhibition

[2012/12/01 13:13]  Alan Dojoji: so the work has a turn towards the human and kind of away from the cartoon-like earlier work I’ve seen and that’s fascinating

[2012/12/01 13:13]  wirxli2: ah yes, also Erik was here

[2012/12/01 13:13]  Gracie Kendal: He sadly passed away almost a year ago

[2012/12/01 13:13]  wirxli2: in the exhibition

[2012/12/01 13:13]  Gracie Kendal: Yes we missed Erik too

[2012/12/01 13:13]  Jo Ellsmere: (and Fau)

[2012/12/01 13:13]  Gracie Kendal: and Fau.

[2012/12/01 13:13]  wirxli2: yes, and Fau

[2012/12/01 13:13]  Alan Dojoji: yes, Fau

[2012/12/01 13:13]  Alan Dojoji: where is Fau…

[2012/12/01 13:13]  Gracie Kendal: I will ask them to send me a little statement to add to the transcripts

[2012/12/01 13:14]  wirxli2:

[2012/12/01 13:14]  Gracie Kendal: Thank you guys again for being part of this. I am honored to have you here

Erik Rzepka’s installation (words from the artist coming soon)

Fau Ferdinand’s “Doll”

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