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New mannequins for “A comfortable skin?”

On to the next step of my projects… I have been looking at new mannequins for my “A comfortable skin” project. What an arduous task. (I’ve been wanting to say arduous for a while now…LOL) What an expensive task too. I have found they will be at least $300 each. My plan is to do at least 11 more so I am looking at $3300+.

If you have been thinking about purchasing one of my paintings now is a perfect time. Your contribution will help go towards my body image project which I hope will be inspirational to women (and men). I am planning on showing the Avatars in an installation with the Second  Life Avatars projected along side them. After their debut at the Brewery Artwalk last weekend, I know they will be a big success. I had some amazing comments about my work with body image and the idea to be yourself. “Be an individual.” I felt empowered and motivated to continue this work. I am so excited to move on the the plus size Avatars!!

If you would like to purchase a painting to help support this project you can check out my paintings here or on Facebook. You can send me an email to inquire about pricing. I also do layaway/payments.

If you would like to donate directly to “A comfortable skin,” I have a paypal account through my email address:

Thank you so very much for your support and generosity.

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